
Friday, December 20, 2013

Making money by doing freelance microjobs - Fiverr

Hi again my friends , 
Hope you feel great today ,
Previous lessons I talked about the online banks and headlines of money making methods , today I'm going to show you the first method , which is doing freelance micro jobs online on Fiverr . **

what I mean is , say for example you can make models in 3d by 3Ds max or Autocad ... etc, or you can make professional photos by Photoshop , or you can enter data in an organized way on Microsoft word , or can translate from English to other languages and vice versa , so you can use your knowledge and abilities to make money on this site , by doing digital services and get paid , every order price is 5$ (and you can make a job requires more than one order for example if you want your job to be priced at 25$ ,that means the customer will make 5 orders to get the job done ) , so if you do more than 5 jobs per day and every job is priced at the least price (5$ )  that means you can make more than 750 $ per month from your home and using your own talent .

How Fiverr works ?
simply  your  customer ask you to do the concerned job , ( whether it's writing or translating or programming ... etc ) , then you do the job and deliver it in the order dash board then the customer confirms that you did the job successfully , then you get paid via Paypal . 
You can also sell products ( such as a digital book you wrote and want to sell it for free )  .

so let's not talk too much and move directly to the site :

so , If you don't have an account yet , signing up is very easy just click join in the top-right of the page , you will see a signing up form like this 

enter your email and enter a user name from your choice and a password , then solve the puzzle and check the ( I agree to the terms of service ) box then click join . 
then log in to your email and find the mail sent by Fiverr and click the activation link .

To create a new job click on ( start selling ) in the top-right of the page after logging in , you will go to this page 

 click on ( create gig ) button , then you will go to the gig setup page 

Enter the job title and the category , then upload a photo whether it's a photo related to the job or your personal photo , whatever , then enter a description of at least 120 characters , then enter three tags or keywords for your job related to it , then choose the duration or how many days it takes to achieve and deliver your job , then click ( save and continue ) .
 After creating your job you can promote it in social networks ( facebook and twitter ) or youtube  , forums and blogs ... etc to get more customers .
you will get paid via PayPal or Fiverr revenue card powered by Payoneer ( I don't recommend it as it can be loaded only from Fiverr , you can't load it by any other way , it's much better you get the payoneer card from payoneer homepage, but it's up to you ) , It's better to withdraw your funds via PayPal and then to your Payoneer account . 

Here is a free gift for you , a PDF book explaining Fiverr in detail : 

** Similar sites : : gigstir is very similar to Fiverr , except of the price of one job or order varies between 5$ - 30$  ( 5- 10 -15 - 20 - 25 - 30 ) , signing up and creating the job are very similar to Fiverr

Hope this lesson was helpful for you , see you in the next posts .

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